Virtual One-on-One Consulting
For a total price of $170 you will recieve the following.
Free Discovery Call
First, we begin with a fifteen minute discovery call (by phone or over FaceTime). This call is for us to share a bit about ourselves, address any questions and discuss how it would be beneficial to work together. I want to understand your concerns, aprirations and what your hopes are in working with me.
Initial Consultation | 60 min
Next, we assess your health status, past medical history, current and past symptoms, foods you eat on a regular basis and much more. I get to learn all about you and your unique health goals. Collaboratively, we begin creating your personalized health and wellness protocol.
Food & Mood Journal
The food and mood journal is a several day daily log of your meals, mood and a few other details. This will provide direct insight of your food choices and how you’re feeling so I can understand where needs critiqing.
Wellness Protocol | 60 min
In this session you are presented with your personalized health and wellness program. You will recieve nutrition and lifestyle recommendations, useful resources, and any other suggestions specific to reaching your goals. We will also discuss where the root causes of your health concerns may be coming from. The aim here is to provide you with the necessary tools to nourish your body both internally and externally.
Open Communication
If any questions arise regarding your protocol I am here for your answers and support through phone or email communication.
Optional Follow Ups | 30 – 60 min
Our follow up appointments build your knowledge of nutrition and wellness. We may discuss food preparation, nutrtition education, or stress management techniques. These are also opportunities for answering any questions in depth.
Transformation happens at the intersection of deep commitment, self-disciple, and intuition. I would love to support you.